Wynne Crest - Registered residantial home for the elderly


It is our intention that this website is accessible and usable by everyone.

In particular we have implemented the following:

1 - Go to main Content.
2 - Go to main navigation menu.
3 - Re-visit this accessibility information page.
P - Privacy Statement.

Windows users can navigate with the accesskey feature by typing ALT+Accesskey. On the Mac, you would use CTRL+Accesskey (not COMMAND+Accesskey, which can produce undesired effects). Some browsers may require you to hit the “enter/return” key after selection
to activate a link.

Windows users will find that accesskeys take precedence over application commands, which can still be accessed from the keyboard by first typing the menu shortcut key (usually ALT) followed by the letter corresponding to the desired menu item.

We recommend Firefox as your main web browser. It is is an award-winning Web browser offering a much superior Web browsing experience with benefits such as faster browsing, real privacy and security, and smarter searching. It also boasts an excellent zoom-in, zoom-out feature to enlarge the entire page (not just the text). For PC, use (Control +) and (Control -) and (Control 0) to default to normal size. Same Keys are used for the Mac version but instead of using the Control key, use the Apple key. Download here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox

accessibility|privacy statement|Created by Chiltz Creative ©2013

Wynne Crest Residential Care Home. Registered Office: 23-25 Cadwgan Road, Old Colwyn, Clywd, Wales. Company Registered Number 04614332